Thursday, December 9, 2010

Palubasa, Srigala lawan Onta

Ada satu jenis makanan yang tidak akan pernah saya lewatkan bila sedang berada di Makassar, yaitu palubasa. Ditinjau dari sudut peristilahan, dalam dialek lokal palu berarti masakan, sedangkan basa berarti basah. Secara umum, palubasa berarti masakan basah alias berkuah. Kalau Makassar sudah terkenal dengan coto sebagai ikon kulinernya, kenapa pula masih ada palubasa yang lebih lezat? Itulah sebabnya saya menggandrungi masakan yang satu ini.
Kuahnya memang mirip coto, yaitu kuah kaldu yang dimasak dengan kacang tanah sampai empuk dan hancur. Kuah gurih kacang ini masih lagi ditambah dengan kelapa parut sangrai yang ditumbuk sampai keluar minyaknya. Dari penjelasan tentang proses ini Anda tentu sudah dapat membayangkan betapa gurihnya palubasa ini.
Daging yang dipakai biasanya adalah daging sapi. Dimasak sampai empuk, menjadikan masakan ini sungguh istimewa. Bumbunya terasa pekat, intens gurihnya, dengan cuatan rasa ketumbar yang cukup menonjol.
Belum cukup istimewa? Tambahkan kuning telur ayam kampung mentah ke dalam kuah panas ini, lalu aduk. Hmmmm, nyammmmm! Bisa merem-melek, dah. Daeng Udin menyebut kuning telur ayam mentah ini dengan istilah "alas". Jadi, kalau Anda ke sana, dan ditanya "Pakai alas?" - Anda sudah tahu maksudnya.
Palubasa favorit saya adalah masakan Daeng Udin. Semula Daeng Udin beroperasi dari sebuah tenda di ujung Jalan Srigala. Tetapi, setelah  bertahun-tahun dia kewalahan menampung tamu yang semakin banyak, akhirnya Daeng membeli ruko di seberang lokasi tendanya. Dari sanalah dia sekarang berjualan. Seporsi Rp 15 ribu. Kuning telur mentah dibandrol Rp 2.500.
Keunikan palubasa Daeng Udin adalah penggunaan daging sapi di bagian pipi yang terkenal empuk tak berserat. Pemasakannya tepat, sehingga sangat lembut sekalipun masih bertekstur kenyil-kenyil.
Menyusul popularitas palubasa Daeng Udin, seorang pembantunya - Daeng Nappa - mengundurkan diri. Daeng Nappa kemudian membuka warung palubasa yang lain di Jalan Onta Lama, tidak jauh dari lokasi mantan majikannya. Tentu saja, palubasa Daeng Nappa citarasanya pun sangat mirip dengan masakan Daeng Udin. Bahkan, Daeng Nappa berani menjualnya dengan harga lebih murah, yaitu Rp 12 ribu per mangkuk. Sekarang, Anda tinggal pilih: palubasa dari Jalan Srigala atau dari Jalan Onta?
Beberapa teman Makassar mengatakan kepada saya bahwa kualitas masakan Daeng Udin justru sedikit merosot setelah pindah ke ruko. Menurut mereka, bumbunya tidak lagi sepekat dulu. Juga kualitas serundeng-nya sekarang menjadi lebih kasar. Bagi saya, perbedaan itu tidak terlalu saya perhatikan. Palubasa Daeng Udin tetap mak nyuss!
Selain kedua gerai palubasa yang telah disebut di atas, masih ada lagi beberapa masakan palubasa yang perlu dicatat di sini, misalnya: Daeng Sikko di Kerung-kerung, atau Songkolo Bagadang di Antang Raya. Keduanya merupakan favorit orang-orang tertentu, penggemar die-hard palubasa.Bagi para penggemar makanan yang erkuah cobain deh alamatnya dibawah ini.

Palubasa Daeng Udin
Jl. Srigala 54, Makassar

Palubasa Daeng Nappa
Jl. Onta Lama 109, Makassar
0411 870658

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Get the latest on Dr. Sketchy!

Hey all, here's the link for information about future Dr. Sketchy events in Detroit, as coordinated by Lushes LaMoan! See you there!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

NEXT SKETCHY! (Also: Thanks & So Long For Now)

Hey again art monkeys!

Here's the scoop: The next Dr. Sketchy will be on SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 from 6-9pm at historic Cliff Bell's in Detroit. If you've never been to this beautifully restored bar before, check out the photos on their website. It's a perfect setting for burlesque! Modeling will be two out-of-town guests, Bella Sin from Ohio and Sweet Lilly Bee from Minnesota. Doors open at 5pm, and it's still just $5 to sketch!

In other news: I have decided after four years to hand the reins of Dr. Sketchy in Detroit over to someone else. Frequent Sketchy model and local burly-Q phenom Toni Lemaux (aka Lushes Lamoan — that's her up top there, thanks for the photo Scott!) will be taking over and I expect great things from her (starting with the gig described above). I hope you'll follow her on future Sketchy adventures. I will definitely be there, sketching instead of officiating for a change!

As soon as Lushes' official blog is set up I'll direct you there and declare this one closed (I may leave it up with a refer to hers, or transfer the art and photos to a Flickr site for posterity).

To all of you who came to sketch, to all our venues, models and sponsors: I can't thank you enough for your help in making Dr. Sketchy such a hit here. I had a blast putting it together! There's too much talent in the art and burlesque scenes in Detroit to not have a Sketchy branch here, so I hope you'll all support the next incarnation of Dr. Sketchy in the future!


I shall call him "Mini-Sketchy"

The big anniversary bash wasn't the very latest Sketchy event in town, oh no! There was a mini-Sketchy that broke out during the People's Art Festival at the Russell Industrial Center on Sunday, August 29! Sketchy fan-faves Satori Circus and Lushes LaMoan suited up to pose (despite the heat) for dedicated sketchers and curious passers-by alike, in front of the Motor City Blog booth. I even did some chalk sketches on the pavement! Photos courtesy MCB, art by Jim Anderson.

More sweet 4th anniversary photos... Scott McKeeve, shot at the historic Scarab Club in Detroit. First a few of the beautiful Sassy Katt of the Hell's Belles burlesque troupe...

And here's JJ Plush, pin-up model extraordinaire!

Dr. Sketchy Detroit: "I'm four years old!"

Finally getting some art and photos up from the big anniversary celebration at the Scarab Club in August. Thanks to all who made it such a blast!

Seriously - how many figure drawing sessions have you been to that had not just one, but TWO lovely burlesque models (photos by Scott McKeeve)...

...PLUS a swell-as-hell old-timey band like the Motor City Sidestrokers...

...AND a freakin' totally-outta-nowhere marching band??

I'll tell you how many - ZERO! Anyway... the art! Check out these sketches of Sassy Katt and J.J. Plush (click 'em to enlarge) by Jennifer...

...and Jim...

...and Suzanne...

...and me.

There's room for yours too if you'd like to send it in. More of Scott's photos to come (because they're so darn cool), and some images from the min-Sketchy at the People's Art Festival.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

DS:D's 4th Birthday Party is tomorrow!

Hi again everyone,

Tomorrow night's Sketchy event is shaping up to be pretty amazing - two lovely models, live music from the Motor City Sidestrokers, lots of cool prizes from Baby Tattoo and Blick to give away, cocktails... no doubt cake will be involved... and more surprises you'll just have to see for yourself. All in the beautiful Scarab Club garden, gallery and lounge, and still only $5 to draw. Really hope to see you there, 7-10pm, right behind the DIA in Detroit — and spread the word!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Birthday Bash update! (Thurs. Aug. 19)

Hey there, art monkeys! Here's the latest:

First up is some big news from DS HQ: The new website is up and it's really cool! It's your central hub for all things Sketchy. From there, you can search for a Dr. Sketchy event happening anywhere in the world, just in case you need to get your burly-Q scribblin' fix while you're out and about. Take a look! (This blog will be migrating over there as soon as I get a minute to go thru the process.)

Second is local news: Just two weeks away is Dr. Sketchy Detroit's 4th Birthday Bash at the Scarab Club and it's shaping up to be a fantastic good time. Our models are the lovely Sassy Katt of the Hell's Belles troupe, and pin-up model extraordinaire JJ Plush!

Also on the bill is live music by the Motor City Sidestrokers (iIf you like slyly risque old-timey music a la R. Crumb's Cheap Suit Serenaders, you'll love these folks)! Plus, we got sweet prizes to hand out from Baby Tattoo Books and Blick Art Materials, and more fun stuff in the works.

So mark your calendars — Thursday, August 19, 7pm at the Scarab Club in Detroit — tell your friends and watch the blog for photos and other news. See you in a couple weeks!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Next: Dr. Sketchy Detroit's 4th Birthday!

Hey all, long time no chat!

Dr. Sketchy took July off to gear up for August, which marks the 4th anniversary of Dr. Sketchy in Detroit! Plans are afoot to mark the celebration in style at the Scarab Club on Thursday, August 19. The club's always a beautiful venue, and I'm cooking up some cool surprises for the evening, so mark your calendars now and plan on joining us. Watch the blog for details too, and take a look back at what we've been up to all these years. (Photo above of Sparkly Devil from our very first session)

More to come,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sometimes the chicken chokes you

More Satori Circus art from the June DS, this time from regulars Doug...

...and Raymond (including more of that darn foam rubber dildo - enjoy!)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

DS June: When the Circus came to town

We had a nice turn-out last Thursday and a great time out in the Belmont patio, sketching 'til the sun went down then piling inside and sketching some more! Satori Circus provided everyone some fantastic subject matter, as you can tell from the photo-illustration above from Lou, and these two sketches by Mike...

...two from John...

...a collage of images by Jennifer... a fairly NSFW sketch by Kevin demonstrating SC's unique wardrobe choices!

More from some of these folks and others coming soon, along with news about July and the upcoming 4th Birthday Bash in August!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

THIS WEEK! Thursday, June 17, 7-10pm

Hey all: time to get the word out about the next Dr. Sketchy Detroit happening THIS THURSDAY at The Belmont in Hamtramck with special guest model and performance art phenom Satori Circus! His performances are always a blast of bizarre fun (check his YouTube channel to see what I mean), and he was a hit at the Grand Rapids Dr. Sketchy, so you don't wanna miss this one (especially those of you who've been asking me for forever to bring in a male model)! So save the date and we'll see you Thursday at 7pm. (Photo by Brian Merwin)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Last look at May Flowers

One more look for now at last month's Sketchy, from our resident body painter, the great Brian Ciupka. Later today I'll be sending out info on the next Sketchy session on THURSDAY, JUNE 17 (this coming Thursday!) with a very special guest model. Stay tuned!

Saturday, May 22, 2010