Friday, February 26, 2010

Dr. Sketchy February: Lana Returns!

Lousy weather and all, we had a great turnout at last night's Dr. Sketchy, including five first-time sketchers! Many thanks to all who showed up to draw Lana, even while she was shimmying away.

Special thanks and congratulations to newcomer Heidi for taking her first bellydancing lesson right there in front of everybody! She did get a prize for her courage, though - enjoy your dinner at Toast and your illustration book from Baby Tattoo Books, Heidi.

First in with a sketch is Jennifer, who's become a regular and turned in a few lovely drawings. Send more, everyone!

And if you enjoy seeing what other art monkeys come up with at Dr. Sketchy, be sure to take a look at the DS art blog, and contribute your own sketches there too so the world can see what we got going on here in Detroit.

Next up: Red Hot Annie all the way from Chicago at the opening for the Hatchback 4 art exhibit at Hamtramck's Cafe 1923. That'll be on Saturday, March 6 from 5-7(ish)pm. See you there!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

DR. Sketchy TOMORROW Thurs. Feb. 25!

Hey Sketchers, here's your day-before reminder about the Dr. Sketchy session happening tomorrow night, THURSDAY, FEB. 25, from 7-10pm at the Belmont bar, near the corner of Belmont and Jos. Campau in Hamtramck.

Returning to the Dr. Sketchy stage is bellydancer Lana Mini, fresh off her appearance on the Craig Fahle show on WDET earlier this week! Listen in here.

Admission is still only $5, and we'll have the usual prizes, music and goodies as well. Hope to see you there!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dr. Sketchy next Thursday, Feb. 25 the Belmont in Hamtramck, from 7-10pm, featuring Lana of Detroit Bellydance. Join us for the first session of the year! (Photo by Agnes Domanska)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dr. Sketchy news (finally!)

Hello again Art Monkeys,

Sorry for the long delay since the last DS update, but I finally have some news to report:

First, if you haven't seen it yet, go grab a copy of this week's Metro Times Valentine's Day special "Lust" issue. It features two-time Sketchy model Lushes LaMoan of the Dizzy Dames burlesque troupe on the cover and inside on the feature story spread! If you can't find a hard copy, check out the MT site.

Next, there are some Dr. Sketchy sessions coming up very soon! I'm planning one now for Thursday, February 24 featuring the return of bellydancer extraordinaire Lana. Details to come as I firm up the plans, so stay tuned. (Meanwhile, you can pick up some pointers from Lana's bellydance how-to DVD!)

Also coming up will be our usual special session at the opening of Hatch's annual juried art exhibit, Hatchback. This will be on Saturday, March 6, from 5-7pm at the Cafe 1923 in Hamtramck, and will star a special guest model from Chicago, Red Hot Annie!

So lots to look forward to in the coming weeks (including more giveaways from our 2010 Baby Tattoo books!).

Lastly, here's a question for everyone: Would you be willing to venture to downtown Wyandotte if I were to arrange a session there? We have a generous offer to bring the gig to the excellent River's Edge Gallery, and I'd love to take them up on it some time in the next couple months. Take a look at their site and let me know what you think.

More info to come, talk to you soon!