Monday, October 24, 2011



Setelah tiga hari menjalani proses REBORN HIMTEK akhirnya saya dan tdua puluh dua orang lainnya dari kelas Sistem Komputer'11 resmi menjadi aktivis dari HIMTEK. Tidak mudah dalam menjalani proses tersebut kita harus menjadi satu kesatuan yang kompak dan solid mempunyai mind facturing dan yang paling penting dari semua itu adalah sikap leadership yang harus lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Hidup HIMTEK.

HIMTEK Berkuasa HIMTEK Memang Dikjaya HIMTEK HIMTEK Tidak Ada Lawannya......Solidarity For Mind Facturing.

Karena Sesuatu Yang Besar Berawal Dari Sesuatu Yang Tidak Diperhitungkan.

My Third Assignment Penerapan Komputer : Magnetic Drive & Virus

How Drive Magnetic Works
Basically the computer memory architecture can be described like this. Where there is a kind of architecture at the top of the CPU registers that can be accessed by the CPU at full speed, while under the memory registers are memory cache that can be accessed at speeds up to GHz. Below this may be the main memory to the size GHz and to scale parallel systems has increased the size THz.Dibawahnya again there is a magnetic disk, which until now has become our choice for storing data in a permanent condition and does not rewriteble, if you want a rewritable flash memory may be used to more effective and efficient. Below this again there is a magnetic tape and optical disk. Some factors to keep in mind is when we look at each level of memory from a level above, several factors were to change, these factors are of accessing memory speed and capacity of.
The more down, then the time required to access the memory will be the longer, ranging from being accessed by the CPU registers which only takes a nanosecond scale up to the time it takes the computer to access the optical disk in a scale which takes seconds. The next parameter is the capacity of the memory parameter itself, the bottom level, the greater the capacity, ranging from capacity of registers that are on the size of 128 bytes up to the capacity of magnetic disk capable of up to terabytes.
Some memory belonging to the magnetic disk itself is floppy disk, IDE disk, and SCSI Disk. Magnetic disk itself terbuah of circular disc made of metal or plastic in which the surface of these materials have magnetic properties so that later could produce such a magnetic field which is indispensable to the process of reading and writing from memory because when the read / write using the read head is called the head. Physically it's the disc that can play the corresponding control. In the early development of this disk and has a diameter of 50 cm, but now there are 3 cm in size and is dominated by the size of 12 cm.
Disk Head

Head disk itself is an induction coil that hangs above the surface and stuck on a cushion of air, except on a floppy disk where the disk head touches the surface. Each track has its own head chief. Working system of the head of this is when the current flow + or - through the head, it will cause a magnetic field which will draw from the head. Head will move to the left or to right depending on the polarity of the current drive .
To read it, when the head is passing a magnet is a current area of ​​+ and - raised from the head and this makes it possible to read the bits that have been stored previously.
Circular sequence of bits bits are written when the disk is doing a full turn called the track. Each track is divided into sectors, who has obtained a fixed length and contains 512 bytes of data. But preceded by the synchronization process head before writing and reading. As more data is written or read then the rotation will also be more tightly. But with such conditions the chances of error reading is also higher. Winchester technology from IBM anticipates a gap problem head on head with aerodynamic models. Head-shaped sheet of tin which is the disk surface when not moving, as the rotation of the disk then the disk will lift headnya. Winchester introduced the term IBM 3340 disk in his model. This model is a removable disk packs with head wrapped in a pack. Now the term used by any Winchester disk drives wrapped in packs and using aerodynamic head design.

All disks have the arm that can move in and out of the coil and a rotating disc, forming radial distances are different. At each different radial can be written. Track track itself is a series of concentric circles around the coil. The width of a track depends on how accurately headnya and is placed in the radial head. Data sent to memory in the form of blocks, blocks are generally smaller than the track capacity. Block - a block of data stored in the disk block size, which is called sector.Track usually filled several sectors, generally 10 to 100 sectors per tracks
Source :
Tanemmbaum,1999, Structured computer organization, 4th edition, Prentice Hall,Inc, New Jersey
Sigit,, Penyimpanan Data

What is the differences between VIRUS & WORM
The term was first used by Fred Cohen virus in 1984 in the United States because of the basic equations with the viruses that exist in the medical world.
Computer viruses can be interpreted as an ordinary computer program. The basic difference with other programs is that the viruses are written to infect other programs by modifying, manipulating and even damaging other programs.
Computer viruses are programs that are usually written with a low level language like assembly that has the ability to spread themselves from one program to another program. Computer viruses are not the same as the viral illness because of intangible computer virus. Named because it has a common virus that is able to spread themselves and are detrimental to the attacked.

Sumber :
Pengamanan Sistem Komputer,”Janner Simarmata”, Penerbit Andi


Worm addressed to the program that copies itself to the computer memory ONLY. The fundamental difference from worms and viruses is, whether or not to infect the target code. The virus infects the target code, but worms do not. Worms only live in memory. The worm can quickly reproduce themselves and are usually done on a LAN or the Internet media, resources will be depleted tissue infected by the worm flooded bandwidth that will result in slowing the flow of data. Examples of worms: I-Worm/Happy99 (Ska), I-Worm/ExploreZIP, Sobig, Nimda, Code Red, Sircam. Generally shaped worm executable files (ending in. EXE or. SCR), which is attached (attach) to the email. However, there are several types of worms in the form of scripts written in Visual Basic (VBScript).

Source : Deris Stiawan, S.Kom.,M.T. Talk Show Computer Easy di Radio SONORA FM Kerjasama Radio SONORA FM, dan PT. Elex Media Komputindo

Saturday, October 15, 2011

How To Install Backtrack 5

Mungkin ada yang belum tahu tentang salah satu distro Linux ini. Disini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang distro linuk BackTrack ini. BackTrack meupakan salah satu distro linux yang didalamnya sudah terembedded aplikasi dan software pendukung untuk hacking dan cracking. Disini saya akan mengulas cara instalasi dari salah satu distro linux BACKTRACK.Mungkin bagi yang pernah melakukan instalasi linux sperti UBUNTU dan turunan turunannya bisa dengan gampang menginstall distro ini.

  1. Mulailah dengan memasukkan cd backrack anda ke dalam optical drive dan lakukan booting dari cd sehingga muncul tampilan seperti di bawah.
  • Lalu pilihlah "BackTrack Debug - Safe Mode". 
  • Setelah memasuki under windows ketiklah "startx" untuk memasuki desktop dari backtrack.
  • Di desktop anda akan terpajang "Install BackTrack".
  • Klik ikon tersebut dan akan muncul pemilihan bahasa standar.
  • Setelah itu pilih time location anda.
  • Kemudian akan muncul pemilihan keyboard layout.
  • Dan anda akan sampai kepada tahap partisi.Bagi anda yang masih pemula pilihlah "Erase and entire disk" tapi bagi anda yang telah dalam tingkat advance pilihlah manually partition yang tidak perlu saya jelaskan lagi apa yang ada didalamnya.
  • Kemudian akan muncul notifiasi untuk segera menginstall, klik install.
  • Kemudian tunggulah beberapa saat sampai instalasi selesai.

Kesimpulan dari instalasi pada BackTrack 5 kali ini adalah efisiensi dalam hal instalasi telah diperbaiki yang pada sebelumnya kita haru terlebih dahulu membuat partisi di under windows yang tentunya akan lebih sulit dibandingkan dengan pemartisian yang dibuat secara interface.Saya kira cukup untuk kali ini di postingan saya berikutnya saya akan membeberkan pengaplikasian ARP POISONING.

"Sesuatu Yang Besar Berawal Dari Sesuatu Yang Tidak Diperhitungkan"

Friday, October 14, 2011

First Solder

Tuh hasil solderan pertama gua kata kak Handoko (anak CIDU yang ngajarin gua) sih hasil solderan gua lumayan bagus dari 100 titik solder yang perfect tuh ad 80an.Suatu kebanggaan bagi gua karena baru pertama kali gua megang solder di binus agak canggung juga sih soalnya udah lama banget nggak ngenyolder kira-kira udah hampir setengah tahun kali..

Karena sesuatu yang besar berawal dari ssesuatu yang tidak diperhitungkan.

So Close

Hampir aja tadi seluruh badan gua jadi HARAM amit amit jabang bayi..............

Jadi gini ceritanya jam 11an tadi gua ama si Agus ama Irfan mau makan.Si Agus nawarin ke warung Padang aja, trus gua nolak soalnya perut gua tuh nggak bersahabat ama masakan padang.Nah si Agus nawarin lagi makan aja di warung Palembang dekat Binus Syahdan ya udah gua liat dari luar masakannya tuh masakan rumahan, ya udah gua accept aja.Trus waktu mau ngambil lauknya si Ibunya nanya "Mau apaan dek? " trus gua bilang tuh sayur capcay ama daging.Nah si ibu bengong nanya lagi ke gua "Halal nggak" trus gua juga bingung maksudnya si ibu ini apa.Gua bilang "Nggak tau lah bu ibu kan yang masak" trus si ibu bilang lagi "Makan yang halal nggak?".Gua bilang dong "Ya iyalah bu" si ibu kembali ngomong "klo yang nggak halal ?" nah perasaan gua mulai nggak enak nih.Si ibu bilang ibu bilang lagi "Ya udah kalo makan yang halal jangan makan daging ini" terus gua nanya ama si ibu "Mank ini daging apaan bu?" si ibu jawab kan "B**I" Astagfirullah perasaan gua kayak dijatuhin beton 100 kg.

Untungnya si Ibu tuh nanyain dulu ke gua nggak asal comot gitu aja, kampret klo gua ampe makan tuh daging amit amit dah.

Sekedar saran doang sih kalo ada warung yang jualannya tuh ada yang halal ama yang nggak halal ditandain donk jangan sampe kite kite pada kebablasan, udah makan kite bilang kok dagingnya enak banget sih...ya iyalah lu makan daging ape dulu....So Close banget tadi ampir aja kebablasan.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Update Lagu Makassar Pilihan

Buat yang rindu kampung halaman mungkin bisa download lagu ini mengobati sedikit rasa rindu..!!

Anci Laricci - Butta Kalassukangku
Kahar H.S. - Garring Apai Nona
Iwan Tompo - Ati Raja
Iwan Tompo - Lebba Gangga Na Paria
Anak Jalanan Makassar
Ajanana Ia Musenge
Kaluru Surya
Anging Mamiri
ABG Palopo
Lussa Rilantang Banggia
Ammaku Bapakku

Selamat menikmati...


     Inilah yang menjadi kendala utama perantau di kota orang lain "SAKIT".Mungkin kata tersebut terdengar sepele dan mungkin menjadi biasa di telinga orang-orang awam, tapi bagi kami para perantau "SAKIT" merupana hal yang bisa jadi mengerikan.

     Jauh dari rumah bisa membuat orang yang terkena flu paniknya ato dalam menghadapi sakitnya sama dengan divonis menderita kanker stadium lanjut.Membuat seseorang yang dahulunya tegar menjadi tidak berdaya walaupun hanya jatuh dari tempat tidur yang tingginya tidak kurang dari 10 cm.Membuat orang yang di asalnya disegani menjadi orang yang malu bahkan dihadapan anak kecil sekalipun.

     Begitu banyak hal yang sangat sepele dan bahkan tidak terpikirkan oleh nalar bahwa itu yang akan membuat kita menjadi manusia sesungguhnya dalam menghadapi masalah yang harus kita hadapi sendiri.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My First English Assingment : Hometown

Makassar placed on South Sulawesi on the east foreign of Indonesia.That’s why the temperature in my hometown hotter than any place on the west foreign of Indonesia.There are a lot of things to tell about Makassar.
About the culture, Makassar have many culture on there.There are big three clan there. There are Bugis, Toraja, and Makassar of course and there are many different between them.For example, Bugis clan is so softness in their attitude at the same time the Makassar’s is very rough in their attitude. And the Torajan’s is popular with their magic and their deadly ceremonial (Rambu Solo), where if the king or people in the Toraja die, they will be walk to their graveyard.That’s so scary.
From the  culinary we have COTO MAKASSAR, SOP KONRO, PALLU BASA, PISANG EPE, ES PISANG IJO, and many more.And all of them are so delicious.
In Makassar we have many land transportation.There are Pete-pete(In jakarta like Angkot), Bus, Becak, and many more. The temperature in Makassar is so hot.In summer the temperature could be rise to 36 degrees in celcius, and the average temperature 23 -35 degrees in celcius. So i think Makassar is the hottest city in Indonesia.
About the tourism Makassar have many place to visited.There are Pantai Losari in there we can see the sunrise and the sunset at the same place.Tanjung Bunga and the Tanjung Bayam is also be a cheap tourism and be a place to visited because it has a black sand coast, and the black sand on there the best in the world.Makassar also has Fort Rotterdam as the heritage of the Holland Kingdom, Benteng Somba Opu the heritage of Gowa Tallo Kingdom, and we also have our own Monas, we call it Mandala Monument the monument of West Irian liberation.
From the island tourism Makassar has many island on there.There Kayangan island, Samalona island, Barang Caddi and Barang Lompo, and many more, and also the island tourism of Makassar has a great sea coast view and must be visited.
I think that’s enough i tell about Makassar altough there are many thing i want to tell about Makassar, and from the proverb of the Makassar “Le'ba kusoronna biseangku, kucampa'na sombalakku, tamassaile punna teai labuang” the meaning is never be give up on the problem and that proverb i belief until now.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Computing And Power Consumption

Cloud Computing
The simple definion of cloud computing is “information and technology service which could be an advantadge or accesed by the user from the internet network.
The characteristic of cloud computing is :
1.The service is On-Demand , the user could be subscribe what they want to.
2.The service is scalable , where the user could be add and remove their service type anytime and the system always could be to accomodate the change.
3.The service is fully set by the provider , the user just need a PC or notebook and internet connection.

Grid Computing
Grid Computing is one of the many type of Parallel Computing,  to use the power source to involve many separate computer by geographic but connected via communication lane (Include Internet) to resolve the big scale computing.
Characteristic Of Grid Computing is :
1.The power source is managed and conrolled locally.
2. The power source is different and have the different policy and mechanism, Disparate storage system in each different node.The policy is trusted to the user  on the same power source.
3.Naturally dynamic character is the power source and user could be change.
4. A collaborative environment for e-community (electronic community on the internet)

Green Computing
Green computing is the way to efficience the work and processing from the computer,especially the efficiency of the energy problem.The big energy to use is will be a big energy consumption.The green computing not just in the computer but we can scan our book into e-book and change the conventional bank to e-banking.
Characteristic Of Green Computing
1.Use the environmental friendly on the ICT product (PC, Notebook, etc) and the material used is the recycled material.
2.Use the alternative energy, except the conventional power source (PLN).Alternative energy like windmill, hydroelectric, photovoltaic panel, etc.
3. Virtualization technology is the technolgy to possibly to run a few logical a computer in one hardware.
4. Migration from the paper to e-book and change the conventional bank to e-banking.

Change Sweat To Volt
Is the solution of the alternative energy consumption from the machine into the human body for the example like bicycling and the gear is connected to the generator and produce the electrical power it could be produced 100-150 watt electrical power.

Ini Second Assignment Gua Mohon Dikomentari....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Character Building First Assignment

SMART GOAL SETTING menurut saya adalah suatu konsep dari sebuah pencapaian impian oleh seorang manusia.Hal ini dapat menjadi cambuk untuk mencapai impian tersebut.

SPECIFIC, apakah anda yakin impian anda adalah tujuan hidup anda ?

MEASURABLE, apakah kemampuan kita saat ini mampu mencapai impian tersebut ?

ATTAINABLE, apakah tujuan yang ingin kita capai dapat kita capai?
RELEVANT, apakah tujuan yang ingin kita capai itu adalh sesuatu yang masuk akal ?

TIMELY, berapa lamakah untuk anda mencapai impian tersebut ?

Jika anda memiliki pertanyaan diatas (Tapi bukan jawaban tidak, belum, tidak tahu, dan lain - lain).Maka anda telah memiliki SMART GOAL SETTING dalam diri anda.

Sekian dan Terima Kasih


Pusing dengan dua diatas....Gini nih jadinya kalau orang kelewat sombong, mandang enteng suatu pekerjaan yang dianggap mudah, pdahal bahkan saya sendiripun tidak bisa melakukannya.Power SUpply Variabel dan Robot Line Follower yang harus pake mikrokontroller (Coding lagi deh).Kalau line follower analog sih ayu....Tapi intulah pelajaran penting dan berharga bagi saya dalam 2 hari ini.


Bakalan membekas dalam hati tuh kata-kata dan nggak akan pernah hilang dari dalam ingatan.

Insha Allah.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Komponen Elektronika

Ada tugas buat bikin power supply, project dari CIDU, and mau ikut loba robot di kampus.Semuanya ngebutuhin komponen - komponen elektronika.Nyarinya susah lagi, kata orang di kampus sih ada di GLODOK, nah GLODOK itu dimana lagi.......
Maklumlah PERANTAU yang ingin menimba ilmu di kota orang, jadinya nggak tau deh...GLODOK pun yang katanya orang terkeenal jadi nggak tau.Mudah mudahan bisa ketemu tuh si GLODOK and bisa nyelesaiin project secepatnya.Hopefully.

Insha Allah.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Home Sick


    Homesick, kecenderungan yang wajar. setiap kita pasti pernah dihinggapi. adalah kebohongan jika ada yang membantah kenyataan tersebut. semua berjalan apa adanya, hingga kita sampai pada titik dimana kita merindukan kata ‘pulang’, ‘pulang’ dan ‘pulang’. kata itu punya kekuatan, mendorong kita untuk melangkahkan kaki, pergi jauh menjemput segudang kerinduan yang kita impikan.

    Saya, harus mengakui, terlalu sering dikalahkan kebiasaan homesick ini. dalam kurun waktu setahun maksimal punya 3 kali kesempatan untuk menjangkau rumah itu. itupun sudah maksimal, tak mungkin lebih. jarak yang cukup jauh mengharuskan saya untuk bisa lebih kuat menahan perasaan yang sedikit menyiksa bila kerinduan sudah benar-benar memuncak. faktor anak bungsu..?? mungkinkah saya terlalu manja..?? sehingga selalu memikirkan kapan bisa pulang..?? kapan pulang..?? bisa ga yah pulang..??

Makassar, Rindu Kamu.....